Sunday, January 01, 2006

When Nature Calls, I Want to Leave

Yesterday I drove with my family to the foot of Superstition Mountain one hour east of Phoenix for dinner. As I stood at the base of this dramatic and beautiful landscape, I again was struck hard by the desire to drop everything and leave. To climb to the top of this thing. To explore its nooks and crannies. To find shards of history, to imagine the feet that had been there before me. To go past it to see what's on the other side.

The desire for adventure and discovery that has been my constant companion since boyhood mocks me in moments like this, because while these hills are always so close--and interstate highways and airports are otherwise usually just a stone's throw away from me--I am anchored to obligations that I freely entered into and couldn't neglect without destroying my integrity and driving my family into the poorhouse.

I believe that some day I'll find a way to scratch this itch. Today, it seems just impossible.


At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you leave me can I come too?

At 9:04 PM, Blogger Zeke said...

I'm counting on it, babe. :)

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Scott said...

When/If you discover the lost secret of how to have your cake (honoring your commitments) and eat it too (following the scent of adventure), please post it. Please...


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